
Details on the Advanced Features of Npax-N2 2W Pulsed Xenon Light Source

What stands out about the new Npax-N2 is its smaller diameter than any other 2W xenon light enclosed. It is termed the best choice for the Point of Care (POC) analytics and field analysis because of its arc stability and compatibility. It is the advanced version of the previous 2 Watt μPAX 2pulsed xenon light. The product comes equipped with a trigger circuit and a flash lamp, all enclosed in its cylindrical-shaped body.

The cylindrical shape aims to give comfort to the user while holding the components it comes with. The features also include a capacitor charger for supplying power, mounting flange, and precision alignment. The device has flying leads that the user can control.

The small enclosed body makes it a good choice for quality checking and analysis. Its high accuracy in the research is brought about by its high stability performance rate of <1.0% CV and constant illumination. The npax n2 2w pulsed xenon light source has earned its name as one of the best options of illumination products. Npax n2 is critical in many fields, especially in the research and analytical industries. This article explores some of the advanced features that have contributed to its success and its applications.

Controllable flying leads

The flexibility of the flying leads and the arc alignments’ accuracy allow the product’s smooth functioning. The product is long-lasting with ≥ 1 x 109 active flashes, which reduces with time. The controllable flying leads promote safety and accuracy, and functionality.


The Npax N2 is characterized by a small size convenient for Point Of Care analysis and other mobile field research. Its components are perfectly fitted in the cylindrical body. Its size makes it easier to hold and work with; its small size makes it an improved version of the previous make.

Internal and External voltage control

The ability to control power voltage helps regulate the voltage distribution to go beyond the required voltage flow. Uncontrolled high voltage can be unfavorable for the lifespan of the equipment. This is also a safety feature since the user can control voltage.

Battery Operable

The Npax N2 is also battery-operated, making it more safe, flexible, and reliable. This has also contributed to productivity, convenience, and efficiency. Batteries are an excellent substitute for electric power.

User controllable output

The user can control the direction of the output; this is very helpful, especially during analytical research. Npax n2 offers a variety of energy levels and is a 2 watts maximum power energy. Controlling the power output helps the user work more accurately and produce more accurate results.


Other features of npax n2 2w pulsed xenon light source include; a steady-state spectrum, complete integrated package, self-adjustable output, durable and reliable power, etc. These features are what makes this device stand out from the rest. They are used in health research or Point of care analytics,  environmental or field analytics, immunoassays, microplate reading, fluorescent triggers, and absorption analysis.